Marta, Ruben’s older sister, also a granddaughter of Don Manuel Quipse, the Last Inca, is the glue of Ruben’s family. With the passing, of their mother, Dona Asunta Quispe, Marta became the matriarch of the family. She is a wife and mother of two daughters. She holds and carries the weaving traditions of her ancestors as a creative artist that bridges the past and present through her creations.
Marta is a humble woman, who like most mothers, sacrifices her needs for those of her children. Unfortunately, the materially impoverished circumstances in which she lives leaves very little, if anything for her. Her demeanor is weary from carrying the weight of the household, and like that of most traditional women around the world, is rarely directly thanked and recognized for her efforts.

I gifted Marta a sweater once. The gratitude and joy for having felt remembered was palpable from her and stirred both joy and sadness within me. Marta embodies the foundation that holds together many families around the world, and yet is rarely acknowledged. WEE has worked with Ruben and the Q’ero to develop creative ideas such as an Instagram account – Qerotextiles so that Marta and other Q’ero women can sell their creations and generate income that will afford them resources to meet the needs of their families as well as themselves.
Other Q’ero crafts can be found and purchased on the Andean Spirit website. WEE works to identify realistic and sustainable avenues for women like Marta, the foundation of her family, to generate income through the preservation and sharing of her traditions and culture. Because the Instagram and web-based platforms are owned and managed by the Q’ero, they receive 100% of the revenues. Please support Marta through the purchase of her creations. She welcomes custom orders as well.