




Travel Peru

Want an authentic tour of Peru? Whole Earth Engineering, Inc. in partnership with Enolia Foti of Expressions for Humanity offers individual or group travel to Peru. Enolia is a modern day medicine woman initiated into the Q’ero tradition and is a god-mother to a Q’ero child. She is happy to assist you in planning your travel to Peru. She works in partnership with Ruben Apaza Quispe, grandson of the Last Inca, Don Manuel Quispe, owner of Andean Spirit, a Q’ero family owned and managed organization, to go the extra mile for your travel needs. Book your ceremony, expedition or tour here as an individual or group. 

Andean Spirit offers online and traditional tours to Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountain, and more. Voluntourism opportunities in the Q’ero community include:

  • Learning alpaca shearing and traditional weaving.
  • Participating in potato harvest with llamas.
  • Learning traditional and sustainable Q’ero building techniques.


Do you have a business and want to explore opportunities for improving sustainability within your operations, or are you an Indigenous community interested in building economic capacity for your community – work directly with us to explore opportunities.


Your donations directly support projects presented to Whole Earth Engineering, Inc. by Indigenous community leaders. The projects are presented in order of priority. Whole Earth Engineering, Inc. works with collaborators and supporters to fund and manage the projects. Grounded in tradition, each project is directed, planned, and often built by the people of the community. Throughout the project process, Whole Earth Engineering, Inc. looks for ways to provide training as well as income opportunities for community members. Training prepares individuals for future employment opportunities as well as replaces income lost from not tending their fields or animals throughout the project build.